
izsolthozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2008.03.09 22:17:04 (9277)
beírásod nem váltott ki heves reakciókat, pedig szerintem nagy gáz, hogy ilyenekkel öregbítjük hírnevünket...
[előzmény: (9271) Hev, 2008.03.09 18:27:14]

Hevhozzászólásai | válasz erre | 2008.03.09 18:27:14 (9271)
Tour in Fonyód (Fonyódi túra)

March 2 by Geolens Reviewer (0 found)
Thanks for email me. If owner will not repair this cache, I will archive it.

February 23 by BlackElders (409 found)
This cache isn't a two-station multicache. No container or coordinates at the first stage. It's no use finding anything there, because this site is empty. According to the information on geocaching.hu
the chace has been replaced in August 2003, and modified to 4 stage multi. The new coordinates of the 1st stage (the container) are N46 44.676 E17 33.018. The coordinates on this page still reflect the old location. This is the reason TERVULF and TheFamily from Germany could not find the cache. The Hungarian cachers don't care about this circumstance because they come from the Hungarian site and log their finds on the grounds of Hungarian coordinates. We advise to archive this cache (or correct the coordinates and change to traditional type cache) in order to save non-Hungarians from the frustrating experience. Thanks.

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